360-Degree Digital Marketing

  1. Media Relations: This involves building relationships with journalists and media outlets to secure positive coverage for your clients.
  2. Content Development: Creating high-quality content such as press releases, thought leadership pieces, and case studies to help promote your clients’ services.
  3. Reputation Management: Monitoring and managing your clients’ online reputation to ensure that they are viewed positively by their target audience.
  4. Crisis Management: Developing a plan to manage potential crises, and responding quickly and appropriately to any negative media coverage.
  5. Event Planning: Planning and executing events such as product launches, press conferences, and trade shows to help promote your clients’ services.
  6. Influencer Relations: Building relationships with influential people in your clients’ industries to help promote their services.
  7. Social Media Management: Managing your clients’ social media accounts and creating engaging content to help build their brand and promote their services.
  8. Community Relations: Develop relationships with key stakeholders such as community leaders and organisations to build support for your client’s services.
  9. Employee Communications: Develop internal communications programs to keep your clients’ employees informed and engaged.
  10. Measurement and Reporting: Measuring the effectiveness of your public relations campaigns and reporting the results to your clients.